Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek of the Czech Republic

Not too many Americans will know this guy, but right now he is President of the European Union. Which sounds a lot more important than it is. It is a rotating presidency of every 6 months, but anyway...

This is what he said about the US solution.

"The president of the European Union yesterday ripped the Obama administration's economic policies, calling its massive deficit spending and bank bailouts "a road to hell.""
Washington Post / March 26, 2009 EU head blasts US economic policies

Now this may be coincidence, but

"The collapse of the Czech government threatened a new setback for the European Union’s stalled governing treaty, distracting the bloc’s leadership"

Topolanek, 52, was demoted to a caretaker role by this week’s no-confidence vote, exposing his political weakness as he pleads with the Czech Senate to ratify the treaty.

I don't know what this means and interests me even less, but I just wanted to share this little news...

the moral of the story is ... bad mouth America and see how far that gets you.

Been a year Now.. March 25 2010 what an moron.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Well, let me first state that I have not been to NY and have not had any dealings with your family business.

Yes, it was your family business. Your husband owned and worked at his job. To know or not know that fraud was being produced is of no value. I believe there are lots of wifes out there that don't know what thier husband does and how he earns his pay. This ignorance does not stop the wives from spending the money.

OK, now that we have this established...moving on.

Now because I am just a hack at this.
Madoffs Shared Much; Question Is How Much
Published: January 14, 2009

"To friends, they were “Bernie-and-Ruth” or “Ruth-and-Bernie,” a pair so inseparable that you wouldn’t mention one without the other. After nearly 50 years of marriage, they worked in the same Midtown Manhattan office, they traveled together, and they dined together night after night, just the two of them."

This is how the article starts. Well let me say what a beautiful marriage; and idealic marriage. Good Show.

“All I will say on the subject is that it’s hard to imagine that she could live with the guy for 50 years and have no inkling,” says Donald Rosenzweig, a childhood friend of Ruth’s and an investor in Madoff Investment Securities.

Well, any husband who has been married more than 7 years knows that your wife is so wired in to your life that all he has to do is get up in the morning and she can tell you what to do the rest of the day.

But is was the instances that of how people got pulled in. Ruth, sweetie, you state
In the cookbook, she describes her role as “director” in Madoff Securities
“Bernie and I worked together in the investment business he founded in 1960.”
very damning evidence.

sweetie, you get nothing. the fund investors, you know some of them, get it all. Well, that is the only way you can prove your innocence to the fraud. You are left with your health and freedom. Don't worry if Otomom can get help you will too.

Update. 03/12/2009

Bernie went straight to jail today. Oh and he kept quite and stuck to the story that it was all him and nobody else. The first thing I am thinking is ...why would he just quit like this. How is his health? Is he terminal? Because this fraud has gone on so long and gotten so large that he could have rode it out longer and fought it with lawyers ...filed bankruptcy...lots of stall tactics available. why?

I mean he obviously has access to wealth. Lived in a penthouse and has millions of "other", separate money. sorry I can't say that without laughing.

Mrs. Madoff is petitioning to retain an estimated $65 million fortune that she says are her own assets.

So why quit now. There was billion left...The stock market was has lost all the money it gained in the 18 years .... well so did you ... why not doctor up invoices with losses? something funky chicken going on here...


Madoff Homes, Cash, Bonds Are Subject to Forfeiture, U.S. Says
By David Glovin

"...The government’s “notice of intent to seek forfeiture” is not an actual seizure request. Rather, it alerts U.S. District Judge Denny Chin and the Madoffs that prosecutors will be filing documents seeking seizure."

Oh modest living for a NY Banker/Investor Manager is :

"Prosecutors say they’ll also try to seize the Madoffs’ ownership interest in their Manhattan apartment; their land, buildings and personal property in Montauk, West Palm Beach, and Cap d’Antibes, France; a sport yacht called “Bull;” two fishing boats and a third vessel in Ruth Madoff’s name; and four cars, including two Mercedes-Benz automobiles.

Houses, Jewelry, Boats

In the Dec. 31 court filing, the Madoffs said their Montauk home was worth $3 million, their Palm Beach home $11 million, and their Cap d’Antibes home $1 million. Furniture, household goods and art in their four dwellings were worth $9 million. They valued jewelry at $2.6 million and their boats at more than $10 million.

Dassin said the government will also seek a $39,000 Steinway piano and $65,000 worth of silverware, owned by Ruth Madoff and located in the Manhattan apartment."

The furniture was worth more than 2 of the houses. She dressed like "Barbie" if she had $2.6 million in jewelry. Must have been like living in a museum. The sport yacht, the Mercedes-Benz...ah the life.

I would predict that the government will get what it is "seeking". I guess it is time for you to call in those favors you doled out over the last 20 years or so. You did dole out "favors" didn't you? Because I would guess you are going to have to get a new job, but don't work for someone like yourself: a housekeeper at their Manhattan penthouse apartment, where Mr. Madoff served his house arrest, was just a $2,600 a month expense.

The fraud is so obvious now. Everything was put in your name. The yachts, all the property.