Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bum Rushed

Apparently, the group that wants to buy the St. Louis Rams had to regroup in order to be considered a more viable candidate.

Limbaugh Dropped From Rams Bid

"Rush was to be a limited partner--as such, he would have had no say in the direction of the club or in any decisions regarding personnel or operations," Mr. Checketts, owner of the NHL's St. Louis Blues, said in a statement released Wednesday. "This was a role he enthusiastically embraced. However, it has become clear that his involvement in our group has become a complication and a distraction to our intentions; endangering our bid to keep the team in St. Louis. As such, we have decided to move forward without him and hope it will eventually lead us to a successful conclusion."

Well, having a media outlet of his own to sound off on this development.

WSJ "On his radio show Wednesday, Mr. Limbaugh said the controversy surrounding his participation in the bid "is not about the NFL, it's not about the St. Louis Rams, it's not about me. This is about the ongoing effort by the left in this country, wherever you find them, in the media, the Democrat Party, or wherever, to destroy conservatism, to prevent the mainstreaming of anyone who is prominent as a conservative.""

What Rush Limbaugh just does not get is that he is perceived to be a racist. Now, this is not a scientific poll, this is me making a blanket statement about someone I do not know personally, just what I get from his radio show and other media appearances. Now, the people that call themselves "dittoheads" may not believe that he is a racist, but yes he is.

Now, let's review the transgression.
First some ground rules.
The National Football League is professional and full of talented athletes that possess the expert skills needed to make a spot on a team.
To be a starter on any team player is considered 1st Team caliber.
Quarterback position is considered a key position on the team and thus pressure to perform is high.

Now, the comment that the media wants a black quarterback to secede is mean spirited and racist. To be critical of the encouragement bestowed on someone is mean spirited, but when verb used to described the player is a color it becomes racial.
This type of speech/behavior in any workplace is grounds for immediate termination in the United States.

Rush Limbaugh does not acknowledge his racist comment on ESPN as the root to his ban from the NFL, but NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell does:
"I think divisive comments are not what the NFL is all about," Mr. Goodell said. "I would not want to see those kind of comments from people who are in a responsible position within the NFL."

Now, that the NFL has banned Rush Limbaugh from any kind of ownership role based his racist comments a few years earlier on national television. I believe the NFL did the proper thing in refusing to consider ownership transfer to a group with Rush Limbaugh involved.