Thursday, March 25, 2010

Health Care

Well, it is here. Universal Health Care.
Glad we got it. You know, I never really thought much about health care. Pre-Existing conditions, exclusions and premiums where never a concern for someone healthy. I guess I took it for granted. I had coverage through work. Me and mine was taken care of...then layoffs begin. I was slated for job elimination. When you are facing not having a job and loss of benefits: life is not so carefree anymore.
Cost associated with health care are high enough with employer contribution, but are prohibitively high on COBRA.
My bi-monthly contribution is $180 or almost $5k a year. that is too much and it has went up every year. $35 in 24 months.
Well, I am hoping in the next 4 years that my costs start going down, but I do realize that I am 43 soon and will be 47 which is almost fiddy and my cost should be going up, but damn it I am frugal. "I needs my money"

I would like to go on some rant just bombing those that oppose this new mandate. Even thou I was not cognitive of the goings on in the Civil Rights Movement. I am noticing some of the same hateful behavior and senseless rhetoric strategies employed to distort and belabour the issue.
There are reports of threats against lawmakers after the health care vote. There is reports of almost a dozen Democratic lawmakers recieving obscene phone calls, some threating.
The mere threat of hindering a lawmaker from doing the duty is a year in prison.

Everyone deserves health care. No dying in the streets.